Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finals results for Group 3 from the survey questionnaire

This is the final chart of results for group 3 volunteers from the survey questionnaire.

Question: Overall, do you feel that the Internet has affected your literacy?
Answer: According to males (blue) 15% responded yes and 24% responded no.
Answer: According to females (red) 26% responded yes and 35% responded no.

Comments: These are a few comments that explain why or why not to the question above.
Comment: The Internet is really efficient and have reduced me to reading less.
Comment: Yes, I use the Internet for everything from reading to writing, and it has changed, but for the better.
Comment: No, I don't feel any different from the use of the Internet, in fact I still read the same way  and write the same.
Comment: No, the Internet has not changed my literacy, because I do not use it as often as other people.
Comment: Yes, I feel the Internet has changed the way that I research information and changed me for the best, because I am more tech. savvy.
Comment: My literacy has changed but for the better, I think. 
Comment: I use the Internet because it is a requirement for my job, but I do feel it has changed the way I read information, and I do not read books much when I am relaxed, but still use the computer.
Comment: I am a continued education student and I find that the Internet has changed the way I read information, and I use the Internet to brainstorm before I write a paper.
Comment: I use the Internet, but needless to say, I don't feel my literacy has been affected.
Comment: Honestly, I feel that anything you use too much of will affect you to some degree.

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