Sunday, January 23, 2011

Continued results of Group 2 from the survey questionnaire

These are the results from group 2 of volunteers from the survey questionnaire.

Question: Do you skim through in-depth information to find only what catches your eye?
Answers: According to males (blue) 26% responded yes and 12% responded no.
According to females (red) 49% responded yes and 13% responded no.

Question: Are you employed?
Answers: According to males (blue) 37% responded yes and 1% responded no.
Answers: According to females (red) 31% responded yes and 32% responded no. 

Comments: These are a few additional comments from the first question of why or why not?
Comment: I usally skim through unless it catches my eyes because whatever I'm doing is usually      waiting  to the last minute.
Comment: It depends on what I'm reading and how long it is and how interesting I find it.
Comment: I skim through because it is quicker.
Comment: I tend to look for key words so I can find the information faster.
Comment: I only need to read what is important.
Comment: It depends on what I am looking for.
Comment: I skip and skim until I find what I'm looking for and then I read in-depth.

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